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Dynamic Folders


A dynamic folder (also known as "Control center") is a dynamic workspace that is fully controlled by a plugin.

  • Like a normal workspace, a dynamic folder contains touch pages, encoder pages and wheel tools.
  • Unlike a normal workspace, users cannot add any items to it, the whole content is defined by a plugin.

A dynamic folder is represented in the UI by a command that can be assigned to any touch or physical button. A dynamic folder can be opened by pressing this button on the device.

A dynamic folder can be closed

  • by pressing a special "Back" button,
  • by pressing the device Home button,
  • by executing any change workspace or change page command, or
  • when the active application is changed.


Add command folder to plugin

To add a command folder to a plugin, the developer needs to:

  1. Add a class inherited from PluginDynamicFolder class to the plugin project;
public class TaskSwitcherDynamicFolder : PluginDynamicFolder
  1. Set folder parameters in the constructor:
public TaskSwitcherDynamicFolder()
    this.DisplayName = "Alt+Tab";
    this.GroupName = "System";
    this.Navigation = PluginDynamicFolderNavigation.EncoderArea;
  1. Define commands, adjustments and wheel tools that this workspace will contain;
  2. (optionally) Define actions display names, images and action behavior.

Loading and unloading

  • To execute some code at folder loading, override Load method (is called during plugin load).
  • To execute some code at folder unloading, override Unload method (is called during plugin unload).

Do not execute any code in the dynamic folder constructor, except setting folder parameters.

Activation and deactivation

  • To execute some code at folder activation, override Activate method (the method is called when the first instance of the folder is open on the connected devices).
  • To execute some code at folder deactivation, override Deactivate method (the method is called when the last instance of the folder is closed on the connected devices).

As an example, in Activate method you may want to subscribe to application events, and in Deactivate method to unsubscribe from those. The plugin does not need to process application events if the dynamic folder is not visible on the device.

Folder button display name and image

By default, the button that opens a dynamic folder shows the dynamic folder display name defined in the constructor:

public NumpadDynamicFolder()
    this.DisplayName = "Numeric Pad";
    this.Navigation = PluginDynamicFolderNavigation.None;
Button with display name

However, it is possible to change the display name runtime by overriding GetButtonDisplayName method:

public override String GetButtonDisplayName(PluginImageSize imageSize) => $"{this.ChannelCount} Channels";

It is also possible to use an image instead of text in this button by overriding GetButtonImage method, for example:

protected override BitmapImage GetButtonImage(PluginImageSize imageSize)
    var bitmapImage = EmbeddedResources.ReadImage("Loupedeck.DemoPlugin.Images.ButtonImage.png");
    return bitmapImage;

These methods should return null if the display name or the image is not available.

The following modes are available:

  • None - navigation is fully done by the plugin developer.
  • ButtonArea - "Back" button is automatically inserted on every touch page in the left top corner. This is the default mode.
  • EncodeArea - "Back" button is automatically inserted at the top of the left encoder page area. This is possible only if the dynamic folder does not define any encoder actions (neither rotation nor reset ones).

Navigation mode can be changed by setting the Navigation property in the constructor.

Adding navigation buttons in the code

If the plugin developer sets the navigation mode to None, then she can insert navigation buttons in the code.

The following action names should be used:

  • PluginDynamicFolder.NavigateUpActionName - for "Back" button;
  • PluginDynamicFolder.NavigateLeftActionName - for "Previous Touch Page" button;
  • PluginDynamicFolder.NavigateRightActionName - for "Next Touch Page" button;

Define commands, adjustments and wheel tools

Use the following methods:

  • GetButtonPressActionNames - to define touch button commands;
  • GetEncoderRotateActionNames - to define encoder adjustments;
  • GetEncoderPressActionNames - to define encoder "reset" commands;
  • GetWheelToolNames - to define wheel tools.

The plugin developer should use these methods to create action names:

  • CreateCommandName - for commands;
  • CreateAdjustmentName - for adjustments.

A dynamic folder will automatically create more pages if the actions do not fit on one page.

A dynamic folder will automatically add navigation actions depending on the selected navigation mode.

public override IEnumerable<String> GetButtonPressActionNames()
    return new[]

A dynamic page can inform the Loupedeck service that the list of actions or wheel tools has changed by calling these methods:

  • ButtonActionNamesChanged - for commands (including "reset" commands of encoders)
  • EncoderActionNamesChanged - for adjustments

Define action display names and images

A dynamic folder can define display names and images for commands and adjustments by overriding the following methods:

  • GetCommandDisplayName
  • GetCommandImage
  • GetAdjustmentDisplayName
  • GetAdjustmentImage

These methods should return null if the display name or the image is not available.

The Loupedeck service first tries to get the image and then, if no image is available, uses the display name as the button image.

public override String GetCommandDisplayName(String actionParameter, PluginImageSize imageSize) =>
    this.TryGetNativeApplication(actionParameter, out var app) ? app.DisplayName : "Unknown";

public override BitmapImage GetCommandImage(String actionParameter, PluginImageSize imageSize) =>
    this.TryGetNativeApplication(actionParameter, out var app) ? app.Icon?.ToImage() : null;

Define adjustment values

To return the adjustment value, override the GetAdjustmentValue method:

public override String GetAdjustmentValue(String actionParameter) =>
    this.TryGetVolume(actionParameter, out var volume) ? volume.ToString("D") : null;

To inform the Loupedeck service that the adjustment value has changed, call the AdjustmentValueChanged method:

private void OnVolumeChanged(Object sender, VolumeMixerItemEventArgs e) =>

Execute commands and apply adjustments

  • RunCommand - override this method to execute commands
  • ApplyAdjustment - override this method to apply adjustments
public override void RunCommand(String actionParameter)
    if (Int32.TryParse(actionParameter, out var processId))

Closing the Dynamic Folder

The folder can also be closed programmatically with this.Close();.

This might be useful when the dynamic folder is used to switch between several options. But please be consistent with the use. The recommendation is to either close the folder after each command or don't close it at all and let the user navigate out of it.

public override void RunCommand(String actionParameter)
    # execute the selected command here

    # close the folder after the command

There's no programmatic way to open the folder but the Logi Plugin Service controls this.

Low level events

As an alternative to reacting to actions, the plugin developer might choose to react to low-level commands:

  • ProcessButtonEvent - override to process physical button presses;
  • ProcessEncoderEvent - override to process encoder rotations;
  • ProcessTouchEvent - override to process touch events.
    • TouchDown
    • TouchUp
    • LongPress
    • LongRelease
    • Tap
    • DoubleTap
    • Move
    • HorizontalSwipe
    • VerticalSwipe
    • TwoFingerTap

If the dynamic folder handles a low-level event, it should return true.

public override Boolean ProcessButtonEvent(String actionParameter, DeviceButtonEvent buttonEvent)
    if (buttonEvent.IsPressed)
        return true;

    return false;