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Marketplace Approval Guidelines

The capitalized terms used in this document have the same meaning as those defined in the Logitech Marketplace Developer Agreement.

Approval Process

Every new Digital Product and all new Digital Product versions (also known as updates), are subject to a verification and approval process performed by and at the sole discretion of the Logitech Marketplace team.

All new Digital Products and their subsequent updates are reviewed according to Logitech's availability at the time the Digital Product or its update is uploaded using this form, but Logitech doesn't guarantee the time frame for the review as it can take longer due to various factors.

Along with automated checks, we manually review each Digital Product and Digital Product update one-by-one, before it becomes publicly available on Logitech Marketplace or Loupedeck Martketplace. The Digital Product Developer will receive a notification as soon as the status of the review changes, or if there are any questions regarding the Digital Product or Digital Product update.

If you haven't heard from us within the next ten (10) working days after the Digital Product upload, please reach out to us at

Logitech reserves the right to repeat the review of Digital Products and Digital Product updates from time to time and withdraw approval for a Digital Product or Digital Product update if new information on their conformity with the approval criteria comes to Logitech's attention after such a review.

Digital Product Approval Criteria

All Digital Products for Logitech Marketplace must meet these general approval criteria:


  • Please ensure you have tested the plugin properly with the supported hardware and software.
  • Ensure that the plugin icon is in the metadata/ -subfolder under the plugin folder.
  • Pack the plugin to the .lplug4 file. The instructions can be found here.
  • Deliver the plugin using the submission form at

General / Other:

  • Metadata file matches the claimed operating system support.
  • Logi Plugin Service software includes a specific package installer that does all the needed work to install the plugin to the Logitech Plugin directory and run all needed installation methods. The input for Logi Plugin Package Installer is a ZIP archive with a .lplug4 extension. To build it, use the Logi Plugin Tool. With the Plugin Tool you can both package and validate the plugin.
  • Recommended name for the .lplug4 package: pluginName_version.lplug4 example: SpotifyPremium_1_0.lplug4. ZIP archive must contain in the /metadata folder a LoupedeckPackage.yaml file with plugin manifest in YAML format.
  • Please check your Digital Product complies with all the other requirements stated in the SDK Documentation around prerequisites, testing, debugging and distribution.
  • All of the external links on your Digital Product page are valid, reachable from the internet, and relate to the Digital Product or Digital Product author.
  • The Digital Product is compatible with Logitech Plugin Service and can be installed.
  • During each upload of a Digital Product (or new version of such Digital Product), compatibility must be verified.
  • The Digital Product Developer must accept the Logitech Marketplace Developer Agreement before submitting the Digital Product.
  • The Digital Product Developer must provide their own end user license agreement (known as a Developer EULA) with any Digital Product.
  • In case your Developer Created Content contains any open source software, this open source software is licensed under one of the following open-source licenses: (i) Apache 2.0 or (ii) the MIT License and duly complies at all times with their terms. The Developer Created Content should not be GPL2 or GPL3 licensed. (the “Open Source Requirements”).
  • The Digital Product Developer must have in place adequate privacy agreements if the Digital Products collect any personal data, must comply with them and must have an adequate Privacy Policy in place in accordance with applicable legislation.

Logitech may establish additional criteria on a case-by-case basis. Logitech reserves the right to remove any Digital Product from Logitech Marketplace or Loupedeck Marketplace at any time and at its sole discretion.

Approval Criteria for Features Implemented by Digital Products

Features implemented by the Digital Product are subject to review and approval by Logitech, and must conform to the following criteria:

  • The Digital Product does not implement features which are not related to its major functionality.
  • The Digital Product does not implement any malicious features or features for additional promotion that would give it an unfair advantage.
  • Logitech may establish additional criteria on a case-by-case basis.
  • If you have any questions about the approval process, please email us at

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