LauzHack 2023

This page contains resources for Logitech challenge at LauzHack. Have fun!

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Logitech Input Device Monitor API

This is the documentation for logi-devmon websocket API (works on Windows / Mac / Linux)

Purpose of it is to provide access to Logitech input device events (e.g. key presses) the easy way.

With the API can spy device and trap a couple of events.


Ensure you have a Logitech mouse or Keyboard connected to your computer. Supported devices for this hackathon are MX Master 3 (mouse) and MX Keys (keyboard).

Download logi-devmon executable and run it from a terminal.

You will need to allow websocket server through your firewall.

Note: logi-devmon dumps received data in standard output, which will help you debugging your code.

TL;DR; Let me try!

Launch logi-devmon, and open your web browser at this URL.

You will experiment with the possibilities of the API.

For understanding the API, please read API documentation and play with code samples.

API documentation

Connecting to websocket server

Using your favorite language, connect to ws://localhost:9876.

Message format

Messages are serialized in JSON format, and are of the following types:

  1. Command invocation
  2. Command results
  3. Events (notifications)

You shall send 1. to websocket server, and then you will receive 2. and/or 3. depending on the command(s) you’ve previously sent.

Error handling

Error handling is basic.

You should check for success boolean value in incoming messages (commands and events) to be equal to true.

Enumerate devices

Send the following command:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "devices"

You should receive following result:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "devices",
    "success": true,
    "value": an array of device JSON objects

Example of a device object:

    "name":"Wireless Mouse MX Master 3",

Note: unitId is unique per device (serial number).

Get device info

This is a shorthand of previous command, but targetted to a particular device.

Send the following command:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "device",
    "args": { "unitId": unit id of the device }


    "verb": "get",
    "path": "device",
    "args": { "unitId": 1953575442 }

Returned object is same as described above.

Device connection status changed event

When your device is turned ON/OFF, you will receive the following event:

    "success": true,
    "verb": "event",
    "path": "deviceConnectionChanged",
        "isConnected": true or false,
        "unitId": unit id of the device

Please ensure that your device is connected before sending commands.

Get device spy configuration

Send the following command:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "spyConfig",
    "args": { "unitId": unit id of the device }

You should receive following result:

    "unitId": unit id of the device
    "spyButtons": true or false,
    "spyKeys": true or false,
    "spyPointer": true or false,
    "spyThumbWheel": true or false,
    "spyWheel": true or false,

For example:


Spy device events

Send the following command:

    "verb": "set",
    "path": "spyConfig",
            "unitId": unit id of the device,
            "spyButtons": true or false,
            "spyKeys": true or false,
            "spyPointer": true or false,
            "spyThumbWheel": true or false,
            "spyWheel": true or false,

You should now receive events coming from the device, with the following format:

    "success": true,
    "verb": "event",
    "path": one of "button", "key", "pointer", "hwheel" or "wheel",
    "value": depends on "path"

number take the following value:

  1. Left button
  2. Right button
  3. Middle button
  4. Back button
  5. Forward button

vkey is an OS-dependent virtual key code.

See Windows documentation and look for Virtual key codes in Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.


x and y are absolute screen coordinates.




If you connect devices through a same Unifying receiver, API is not able to determine from which device the event comes from.

Get wheel configuration

Send the following command:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "wheelConfig",
    "args": { "unitId": unit id of the device }

You should receive following result:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "wheelConfig",
    "success": true,
        "unitId": unit id of the device,
        "divert": true or false,
        "hires": true or false,
        "invert": true or false


Divert wheel events

Send the following command:

    "verb": "set",
    "path": "wheelConfig",
            "unitId": unit id of the device,
            "divert": true,
            "hires": true or false,
            "invert": true or false

You should now receive events coming from the device, with the following format:

    "success": true,
    "verb": "event",
    "path": "wheel",
        "unitId": unit id of the device,
        "delta": integer
        "hires": true or false
        "periods": integer

Note: periods is the number of sampling periods combined in the event.

Get thumb wheel configuration

Send the following command:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "thumbWheelConfig",
    "args": { "unitId": unit id of the device }

You should receive following result:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "thumbWheelConfig",
    "success": true,
        "unitId": unit id of the device,
        "divert": true or false,
        "invert": true or false

Note: Inverting wheel event is to mimic Apple’s natural scroll.

Divert thumb wheel events

Send the following command:

    "verb": "set",
    "path": "thumbWheelConfig",
            "unitId": unit id of the device,
            "divert": true,
            "invert": true or false

You should now receive events coming from the device, with the following format:

    "success": true,
    "verb": "event",
    "path": "thumbWheel",
        "unitId": unit id of the device,
        "proxy": true or false
        "singleTap": true or false
        "touch": true or false
        "rotation": integer,
        "rotationStatus": integer

rotation is the relative wheel rotation.

rotationStatus applies to wheel rotation. The following values are possible:

  1. Inactive (no rotation)
  2. Start (first rotation report)
  3. Active (next rotation reports)
  4. Stop (release, no touch)

Thumb wheel also detects proximity (proxy set to true), tap gesture (singleTap set to true), and when user finger touches it (touch set to true).

Get special keys configuration

Send the following command:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "specialKeys",
    "args": { "unitId": unit id of the device }

You should receive following result:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "specialKeys",
    "success": true,
    "value": an array of specialKey JSON objects

Example of a specialKey object:


Then, for each special key, you should obtain its configuration by issuing:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "specialKeyConfig",
        "unitId": unit id of the device,
        "controlId": the control id of the special key you want to configure

You should receive following result:

    "verb": "get",
    "path": "specialKeyConfig",
    "success": true,
    "value": a specialKeyConfig object

Example of a specialKeyConfig object:


Divert a special key

You should send the following command:

    "verb": "set",
    "path": "specialKeyConfig",
            "unitId": unit id of the device,
            "controlId": the control id of the special key you want to configure,
            "divert": true

You should now receive events coming from the device, with the following format:

    "success": true,
    "verb": "event",
    "path": "divertedButtons",
        "unitId": unit id of the device,
        "cid1": 1st pressed control id (0 if none),
        "cid2": 2nd pressed control id (0 if none),
        "cid3": 3rd pressed control id (0 if none),
        "cid4": 4th pressed control id (0 if none)

The pressed control IDs are filled in historical order.

So if you first press 83 then 82, then release 83, you will get:

{ "cid1": 83, "cid2": 0, "cid3": 0, "cid4": 0, "unitId": 1953575442 }
{ "cid1": 83, "cid2": 82, "cid3": 0, "cid4": 0, "unitId": 1953575442 }
{ "cid1": 82, "cid2": 0, "cid3": 0, "cid4": 0, "unitId": 1953575442 }
{ "cid1": 0, "cid2": 0, "cid3": 0, "cid4": 0, "unitId": 1953575442 }

Divert pointer while pressing on a special key (rawXY)

You should send the following command:

    "verb": "set",
    "path": "specialKeyConfig",
            "unitId": unit id of the device,
            "controlId": the control id of the special key you want to configure,
            "divert": true,

The special key should support pointer redirection (rawXY equals true in specialKey object).

You should receive divertedButtons events with the control ID you configure, as soon as you press or release it, as well as the following events when you will move your device:

    "success": true,
    "verb": "event",
    "path": "divertedButtons",
        "dx": relative displacement on X axis,
        "dy": relative displacement on Y axis,
        "unitId": unit id of the device

Immediate pointer redirection (forceRawXY)

You should send the following command:

    "verb": "set",
    "path": "specialKeyConfig",
            "unitId": unit id of the device,
            "controlId": 215,
            "divert": true,

The special key should support pointer redirection (rawXY and forceRawXY equals true in specialKey object), and its type should be virtual.

As of now, the only controlId supported is 215 (Virtual Gesture Button).

See control IDs table

Send text input (Mac OS and Windows)

You should send the following command:

    "verb": "send_input",
    "path": "text",
        "value": <a string to inject>

Then <a string to inject> should be printed to foreground application (e.g. a text editor).

You can use it to inject say a code snippet.

Note: on Mac OS, you add logi-devmon to accessibility menu.