
Adding MX Ink Support to a Unity App

There are three main approaches to integrate MX Ink into a Unity app:

Developing for MX Ink using the Unity OpenXR plugin

This approach relies on the Unity OpenXR plugin and the Unity XR Input System.

The MX Ink OpenXR Sample App (apk) is a Unity project that shows how to use the prefabs from the MX Ink OpenXR unity package to create a basic drawing app. The following is a more detailed explanation of the configuration requierements and the basic functionality demonstrated in the sample app.

Your application should use Unity’s OpenXR plugin, enable it in the XR Plug-in Management settings:

XR Plug-in Management

Import the MX Ink OpenXR unity package into your project. This will add support for the MX Ink OpenXR interaction profile, enable it in the OpenXR plug-in settings:

OpenXR Interaction Profiles

The MX Ink OpenXR integration package includes an example of input actions mapping that is used in the MX_Ink prefab.

MX Ink inputs are mapped to input actions, that can be declared as follows:

private InputActionReference _tipActionRef;
private InputActionReference _grabActionRef;
private InputActionReference _optionActionRef;
private InputActionReference _middleActionRef;

The input action references are configured in the Unity editor:

Input Action References

Enable the input actions, this can be done in the Awake method:


This is how the MX Ink inputs can be retrieved in the Update method:

_stylus.inkingPose.position = transform.position;
_stylus.inkingPose.rotation = transform.rotation;
_stylus.tip_value = _tipActionRef.action.ReadValue<float>();
_stylus.cluster_middle_value = _middleActionRef.action.ReadValue<float>();
_stylus.cluster_front_value = _grabActionRef.action.IsPressed();
_stylus.cluster_back_value = _optionActionRef.action.IsPressed();

The MxInkHandler.cs script is part of the MX_Ink prefab and implements the code described above. These are the basic components of the scene in the sample app:

Unity XR Rig

In addition to retrieving pose and inputs from the MX Ink Stylus, you can also generate haptic pulses as follows:

var device = stylusIsOnRightHand ? UnityEngine.XR.XRNode.RightHand : UnityEngine.XR.XRNode.LeftHand;
var stylus = UnityEngine.XR.InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(device);
stylus.SendHapticImpulse(0, amplitude, duration);

The code above requires knowing to which hand the stylus is currently assigned. Stylus handedness can be configured in the Stylus Settings in the Meta OS. In an application, You can detect the hand where the stylus is active by subscribing to the DeviceConnected event:


InputDevices.deviceConnected += DeviceConnected;


private void DeviceConnected(InputDevice device)
    Debug.Log($"Device connected: {}");
    bool mxInkConnected ="logitech");
    if (mxInkConnected)
        stylusIsOnRightHand = (device.characteristics &
        InputDeviceCharacteristics.Right) != 0;

See the MX Ink OpenXR Sample App (apk) for more details about how to use MX Ink to draw in-air, using the middle button, and on 2D surfaces using the pressure sensitive tip.

Developing for MX Ink using Meta Core SDK

For this approach, your application will need to be built using the Oculus plugin, so make sure to enable Oculus in the XR Plug-in Management settings.

The Meta Core SDK v68.0.2 introduced new API methods enabling developers to manage any controller with an associated OpenXR Interaction Profile. Starting with Meta OS v68, the MX Ink Interaction Profile is supported by the Meta OpenXR runtime.

Retrieving data from MX Ink through its corresponding Interaction Profile provides access to all stylus inputs, including the ‘docked’ flag, which is activated when the stylus is placed in the MX Inkwell (charging dock). More importantly, this allows for a reliable method to detect when MX Ink is active, enabling applications to adapt their UI/UX accordingly.

Using the MX Ink OpenXR Interaction Profile in a Unity application

The MX Ink Unity Integration Package includes the code described below and includes the prefabs required to display a 3D model of the MX Ink stylus and a simple drawing script.

This MX Ink Sample App is a Unity project that shows how to use the prefabs from the integration package to create a basic drawing app.

Follow these steps to manually add MX Ink support to an existing project:

Legacy Touch Controller Mappings

If an application does not support the stylus interaction profile, the stylus inputs can be still read as legacy Touch Controller inputs. The legacy mappings are shown in the diagram below.

XR Ink Controls

Please be aware that in Meta OS v69, there are several known issues to consider when running or developing applications using the legacy touch controller mappings: